- Parking Passes -
All parking spaces are now numbered and the same parking lot rules remain in effect. Non-slip holders and guests please stop and see the Dock Manager to pick up your parking permits. Parking guidelines will be strictly enforced according to SYC Ground Rules.
- Entrance Gate -
If your gate code is not working properly, or you are experiencing problems with your gate code, please see the Dock Manager.
- Leaking Water Hose Connections - Please repair and fix your leaking water hose connections to prevent damage to the seawall and to conserve water. The dock crew will be patroling to observe leaking connections. It is the responsibility of the slip holder to repair a leaking hose connection. We ask you to please assist in protecting our Yacht Club home by helping to preserve our seawall and by being environmentally friendly. - Pool - This is a reminder to please adhere to social distancing guidelines when using the pool, or any of the facilities at SYC. Please practice the following social distancing guidelines when using the pool. - Members and immediate family only. - Only 16 members total allowed in pool area at a time.
- Only 8 members allowed in the pool/water at a time.
Transients paying for, and occupying a slip, will be given wristbands for identification when using the pool.
Hand sanitizer will be available on tables in the pool area. The dock crew will be using an electrostatic sprayer with sanitizer to clean the pool area/furniture accordingly.
Please help keep your fellow club members, families, and yourself, healthy and safe.
- Memorial Day Celebration -
Enjoy the upcoming Memorial Day Celebrations, including the SYC Auxiliary Cocktail Party on Saturday.
The Singapore Yacht Club Team
Thank you for your support!